There is no movie in recent times that can match the quality of Delhi Belly. Be it the dialogues or the screenplay or the characters, i am still not able to come to terms with the fact that this is a Bollywood movie! Simply outstanding and amazing, the best portion is the raw nature of the delivery which really blew my mind. For starters, the opening sequence of the movie couldnt have been better picturized, the haunting music of Saigal Blues adds to splendor.
I went into this movie with very minimal expectations, i did read the reviews and thought it would be yet another youth comedy but what really stood out is the unconventional nature of the script and the boldness in the dialogues. The liberal use of profanities actually helped the movie all the way to the end and it is this "on the ground" treatment, as i would call it, which makes it a very different movie. I think the movie shocks and awes you at the same time. There is no empathizing or patronizing with the characters in this movie, it is all along "something that happened" kind of movie which was also short to 1.5hrs. This movie is definitely not for the conservative audience or family audience and it laid out to the urban youths.
There were three scenes, to me was excellent
1. Vladimir is totally screwed that his package was not delivered, but when he finally gets hold of Sonia over the mobile he vents out his frustration. But this entire venting thing backfires and she hangs up mid way. Now the camera pans between the villain and Vladimir and the helplessness in his eyes and also realization as to he being the victim has been expressed beautifully. There is no music here, but just a natural facial reaction of helplessness captured naturally.
2. Our hero Nitin gets dumped by his Girl Friend and the sequence immediately turns into a Disco hero song with dialogues. The song and the dialogues in this particular turn of events was well thought out.
3. Another sequence involving Nitin in the jewellery shop in a purdah and trying to take a drink. Though very simple and expected, it somehow was interesting and very funny to have been slotted at that point in the movie.
On the whole it was one hell of a movie i got to see after a long time. Very light and humorous, didn't feel the drag even for a single minute.
When I heard about the profanities from Koing, I actually thought you would like it a lot. And here you are as impressed with the "Galeej factor" as ever. Not that I am saint. Just couldn't find time to watch it...
You are right and you know what, i would have loved the profanities had it been more profane than what is in the movie to get it more authentic!
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