In the recent days, politics in Tamil Nadu wasn't interesting like it was in Andhra, WB or Karnataka. It was following the regular routine where the new government was accusing the previous government for every administrative failure which included things at both ends of the spectrum, be it the essential commodities like Electricity, rice, pulses or commodities which are considered luxury like Infrastructure(yes in India Infrastructure is a luxury). Well everything was happening according to the script, but there was something brewing within the DMK ranks which was ready to burst out. I think everyone was expecting this to happen at sometime down the year, but it was kinda of early when the dissent within the party bigwigs was ready to burst at its seams immediately after the elections. The DMK top brass was split fourways between MKs heirs and each proclaimed to be his political successor with no clear winner. There were reports of difference in opinion between Stalin and MK riding towards their meeting to analyze their election defeat and it was a long expected drama waiting to happen. This was not something out of the blue but still not entirely expected.
The DMK party is always strong at its grass root levels and there was evident split even amongst its party cadres when it came to question of loyalty and the party was right on track to self destruction. This could have been one of the best things to happen in TN politics in a long time and everyone was pretty happy that come next election the TN electorate will have more to chose from the staple DMK, AIADMK choice. All of a sudden, two days back there was a huge clamour when Stalin was arrested for leading a demonstration against the government's action against DMK men in land grab case. This actually has indirectly helped the DMK, everyone in party have now found a cause to revitalize themselves and the party. This unprecedented event has suddenly helped the DMK as a party and they have found a common opinion to work for, in fact this insignificant event has gained so much significance within a day that the CM had to clarify that Stalin was not arrested but just detained for his own safety. The point here is, what could have been a path towards self annihilation is now averted by a simple non significant event, that to from an unexpected quarter. I somehow feel this could just delay the destruction but destruction is imminent but somehow the way of politics amaze me.
I usually take the evening bus to my place. Remember? "Avadi dhan dhooram".
But that day, I took the train. There was this group who boarded the train near Perambur and they started bashing Amma for her stand on the Samacheer Kalvi scheme and they were selling a book. All of a sudden, to her the syllabus seems to be outdated and she wanted to change it [how considerate].
When I went through the book, I was in for a big shock. She did so because the syllabus had more lessons about DMK leaders and their ideologies and there were traces of party colours everywhere.
TN politics and not interesting.
Come on, you should start reading Dhinamalar and Dhinathanthi or this for hot hawt gossips.
Hmm .. yeah i can imagine what could have happened in there. But i heard this uniform syllabi is good in pieces though not through and complete. I also heard there are too many tamil lessons on MK. It is a drama happening for decades and we are getting bored
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